What You Should Know About Sunscreens

Sunlight exposure has many health benefits, including vitamin D and mood elevation. But it may also have unwanted effects like sunburn, skin cancer and premature aging.

The Real ALS Challenge: How You Can be Proactive About this Tough Disease

Pulitzer Prize-winning playwright and Oscar-nominated actor Sam Shepard recently died at the age of 73. He died of complications from amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), also called Lou Gehrig’s disease.

What We Can Learn from Senator John McCain’s Bout with Brain Cancer

Senator John McCain’s recent announcement of surgery to remove a cancerous brain tumor and appearance on television with his scars still very visible while on the floor of the U.S. Senate, have renewed interest and concern about tumors, especially regarding brain cancer.

Is it Time to Question Your Doctor’s Advice About Completing Your Antibiotics?

Over my lifetime, I may have been prescribed antibiotics after dental surgery or to treat a bronchial infection. And I have always been instructed to take the full course of antibiotics prescribed, in order to reduce the likelihood of further infection and prevent the growth of antibiotic resistant bacteria.

Is Poor Nutrition Keeping You Up at Night? What You Need to Know About Diet and Sleep

Most of us know what sleep deprivation feels like, and it is not pleasant. If we do not get enough healthy sleep (some children need 10 hours nightly, while most adults need at least seven), we may be left feeling irritable and disoriented. It can also be dangerous to be sleep deprived.

Check Out Which Veggie Might Bring Type 2 Diabetics Sweet Relief

Life with diabetes can be complicated. Having to keep track of how much medication you take with food, making time for exercise, preparing a healthy meal for yourself and something the kids will like and scrutinizing nutrition labels in the grocery store can be draining. On top of that, some medications can have unwanted side effects.

Don’t Let Your Shoe Sole Stamp Out Your Good Health

I grew up in an Asian household, which meant I was asked to remove my footwear prior to entering the house. Chances are you have been asked to do the same, since many people in North America prefer to wear house slippers or go barefoot in their homes. Whether it is for cleanliness or for various cultural traditions, it may also be for the best. We all know that shoe soles are dirty, but what you may not know is that they actually carry bacteria that can make you ill.

If You're Going to Get Inked, Do it Without Risking Your Health

If you are a parent, you may not want your child to get visible tattoos out of fear your child may look unprofessional or regret making a permanent body change. However, the real concern is much deeper than physical appearance or having regrets in life.

What Every Baby Boomer Needs To Know About Hypertension

I lost my mom at a relatively young age to complications from high blood pressure (hypertension). For as long as I could remember, she took medications for hypertension and its complications. She visited doctors regularly for this problem in her late 50s, was frequently hospitalized in her late 60s and 70s and died in a hospital from its complications at the age of 78.

How Can You Be Proactive About Your Bowel Health?

A healthy gut is critical for your overall health, energy levels, fighting off diseases, properly absorbing healthy nutrients and eliminating toxins. The average small intestine length ranges from 9 to 15 feet, the large bowel is about 5 feet. Both parts of the intestinal tract have large surface contact with the outside world, much greater than the skin or the lung surfaces. So as you can imagine, taking care of your gut is extremely important.

Follow Your Heart. Ask Your Doctor About Alternatives to Heart Stenting

We cannot stress enough there is no one size fits all approach to health care and the treatment of diseases. A recent study on the use of stents to treat coronary artery disease stresses the importance of properly diagnosing each individual and administering the right treatment.

What About Paternal Depression?

We’ve heard about maternal depression but not much about paternal depression! About 13 percent of pregnant women and new mothers experience depression, according to the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services. But have you ever thought about how many expectant and new dads experience depression? A new study uncovers some of the reasons for paternal depression.

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