Why You Should Care About Nutrient Deficiency

If you feel tired and sluggish, irritable, as if you lack the ability to concentrate or maybe even depressed, don’t simply attribute not feeling like your best self to stress and not getting enough sleep. Yes, you may need a vacation, but the truth is your body may not be getting the amount of nutrients it needs from your diet.

How To Be Proactive About Birth Control

Nowadays, there is a variety of contraceptives to choose from (reportedly around 15 different methods). And for young women who want to avoid pregnancy, all of these options may be overwhelming.

You’ve Been Thinking About Hydration All Wrong

Donning a Statue of Liberty costume on Halloween during a live taping of her talk show, 53-year-old TV host Wendy Williams shocked and worried viewers as she fainted and fell to the ground.

Check Out These Cool Health Benefits of Cucumbers

The cucumber, a regular visitor in your side salad, is actually considered a fruit. But whether you call cucumbers fruits or veggies, is beside the point. They are packed with a ton of nutrients, so it is well worth our while to make the effort to include them in our diet.

Forget What You Think You Know About Brushing Your Teeth. Introducing Oil Pulling

You brush and floss your teeth and are good about visiting the dentist to get your teeth cleaned and examined every six to eight months. So as far as dental hygiene is concerned, you’re doing everything you need to be doing in order to keep your teeth healthy. Right?

Why We’re Crying Tears of Joy About the Health Benefits of Onions

Onions. They are known for being the veggie that makes you cry and gives you bad breath. But before you steer clear of this smelly veggie, consider that this pungent, bulbous vegetable is packed with potentially unexpected health benefits.

What You May Not Know About Antidepressants

You likely have heard the saying: “Prevention is better than cure.” And in regards to a recent study about treating depression, we couldn’t agree more.

Are you proactive about blood cancers?

Did you know that blood cancers are the third leading cancer killer in the United States? Today, nearly 1.3 million people in the U.S. are either living with, or in remission from the 3 types of blood cancer: leukemia, lymphoma or myeloma. These cancers are sometimes highlighted by famous people such as Jill Clayburgh, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar and Ryan O’Neal. We recently reported about this cancer when it took the life of comedian, Charlie Murphy.

Taking a Knee Isn't The Only Issue Facing the NFL Right Now. Let's Talk About CTE

Football star Aaron Hernandez had a fiancé, a young daughter and a multimillion dollar contract with the NFL, playing for the New England Patriots as a tight end.

Should You Switch Your Grains Out? Maybe It’s Time to Try Amaranth

For today’s #MeatlessMonday, let’s step outside the world of fruits and veggies and take a closer look at a non-gluten, high protein grain: amaranth. If you go meatless every Monday for a year (52 days total), you may reduce your risk for certain diseases including cancer, heart disease and more.

We're Buzzing About These Health Benefits of Honey

Most people associate honey with those jars of honey that live on the shelves of grocery stores. Unfortunately, much of the honey you see in the stores is processed and heated, which significantly reduces its nutrient content. These processed products are usually depleted of bee pollen, an antioxidant that may relieve inflammation, allergies and help boost the immune system. If you are interested in reaping nutritional benefits from honey, then perhaps you should consider raw honey.

Looked at the Total Eclipse Without Glasses? Here's the Total Problem With That

Yesterday’s eclipse was an incredible sight to see. But despite several warnings to not stare directly at the sun and take the proper precautions when viewing the eclipse, some people could not resist the temptation to just look without any protection.

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