Opioid overdoses on the rise

The U.S. is experiencing an epidemic in drug overdose deaths, the CDC says, and misuse of opioid painkillers are a big part of the problem. Since 2000, overdose deaths from opioids have risen 200 percent. In 2014, there were approximately one and a half times more drug overdose deaths than deaths from car crashes in the U.S.

Exercise programs for older adults: A growing trend that can help you enjoy a healthier life!

Fitness programs for older adults find themselves among the top fitness trends in the country, and for good reason! In the past, this population has really been underserved by the fitness industry. There’s no reason why everyone shouldn’t be able to enjoy the many health benefits of working out. Before beginning a workout plan, it is important for the older adult to consult a medical professional with knowledge of their medical history. Even though this advice applies to exercise enthusiasts of any age, it is a crucial first step for the older adult.

A sour truth about sweets and obesity

It’s no secret that obesity has been rising in America, and there are millions of people who want to get to the root cause of their weight gain so they can enjoy a healthy life. According to the CDC, the 2011–2012 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey showed that 33.9 percent of U.S. adults aged 20 and older were overweight, 35.1 percent were obese, and 6.4 percent were extremely obese. Comparatively, in 1988, the number of overweight people was about the same, but the number of obese people was significantly lower at 22 percent. In the 1960s, obesity rates were just 13 percent. Times have changed, and it makes you wonder …

Standing at work, a proactive step you can take against Type 2 diabetes

Sitting is bad, and standing is good. That’s been the message of 2015 -- that even if you go for a run after work, the amount of time you sat helped to increase your risk for diabetes and death. Yikes. But a lot of jobs involve necessary sitting, and not all employers are health-minded enough to spring for standing desks. Nevertheless, desk workers have some hope. An article published in Diabetes Care shows that the bad effects of sitting can be alleviated by standing and walking intermittently.

Small group training: Reap the benefits of a personal trainer at a lower price and with group camaraderie

While some might argue that even the term is an oxymoron, it really isn’t. Small group training, or group personal training, allows people the opportunity to experience the benefits of having a trainer while lowering the financial entry point. The personal trainer continues to provide the personal service clients expect from one-on-one training, but in a small group setting -- typically four to 10 people.

Natural treatment for depression: Try bright light therapy

In the winter and around the holidays, many people struggle with seasonal affective disorder (tied to the cold and dark season) and depression. Their treatment may include anti-depressants, psychotherapy and even light therapy. Light therapy refers to exposure to artificial light to affect your brain chemicals. By mimicking natural outdoor light, light therapy can lift your mood.

A solution for the dreaded fitness plateau

You had the best intentions when you first started working out, but after a while, you find your motivation has been sapped. Not only is it harder to get to the gym or place where you train, but you just aren’t seeing the results, no matter how hard or how often you exercise. You are stuck on a plateau. How frustrating!

Get to the root cause of anxiety

Generalized anxiety disorder is one of the most common mental health problems in the United States. It can negatively impact a person’s quality of life and disrupt important activities of daily living, and it may sometimes overlap with panic disorder and depression.

How to spend your flexible spending account before it expires Dec. 31

The end of the year means you may be budgeting for holiday gifts and party provisions. But many people have another kind of spending they need to do before December 31st: flexible spending account (FSA) spending. Why the urgency? Flexible spending accounts contain pre-tax money set aside by employers to help with medical expenses during the year. But the money expires on December 31st, and if you’ve had a healthy year without many co-pays, time is of the essence to spend it.

Working out with sand: What is all the hype about SandBells?

SandBells were first introduced in 2008, but are now changing the way personal trainers and fitness enthusiasts design their exercise programs. These spongy, sand-filled bags are constructed with a heavy-duty neoprene outside and leak-resistant stitching. This technology allows the user to drop, lift, swing, throw, toss, slam, glide with and even stomp on the SandBells without damaging them, yourself or other equipment.

What is homeopathy?

Proactive Health Labs doctors sometimes get asked if they are homeopathic doctors. Homeopathy and allopathic or “Western” medicine are actually quite different, and the doctors at pH fall under the allopathic umbrella. Homeopathy, which was invented by a German physician in the 1800s, suggests that if you give someone a tiny amount of a plant that causes symptoms similar to the illness they have, their body will be able to rid itself of the illness. The plants are taken in small doses, diluted in 99 percent water.

Be proactive for long flights

Excited for your upcoming vacation? While you may have thought about when you’re going, what you’re doing and who you’re seeing, have you thought about your health? Traveling can take its toll on your body – especially those longer flights. Middle-aged and older adults need to be more careful, as they may be more at risk for some of these problems. But with a little proactive planning, you can avoid some of the most common flying-induced, vacation-ruining health troubles.

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