Why the Health of Baby Teeth is Important and How Leafy Greens May Help
I worry about my two-year-old son’s dental health constantly. Getting him to brush his teeth is like wrestling a baby alligator! A lot of people tell me not to worry too much about his oral hygiene because he’s going to lose his baby teeth eventually, but what they don’t know is that the health of baby teeth is extremely important.
Combat Screen Time With Outside Time
All of us parents have been in those moments of frustration when our child is having a meltdown and we put them in front of a screen to pacify them. Whatever the case may be, give yourself some grace but also do your best to get your child outside.
Having a Child With Epilepsy Can Be Very Scary, But CBD May Be Able to Help
I recently came across a story of a little boy named Haiden Day. As a baby, Haiden was diagnosed with a disease which many of us may not have heard about - Dravet syndrome. This is a rare but severe form of epilepsy which begins in the first year of life. Epilepsy is a general term used for a brain disorder that causes seizures.
Advancements in Autism Prevention That Every Parent Should Know
I recently came across a new study about zinc and autism. This study really resonates with me because it reinforces my firm belief that getting adequate amounts of nutrients, including minerals, even in the very early stages of development, may be critical to reduce the likelihood of diseases like autism.
Guess What! Men Over 35 Are of Advanced Paternal Age Too
I always wondered why my mom waited until she was 46-years-old to have me. And when I became an adult, I recall asking her why she waited so long to have a child as well as whether she had any concerns about giving birth to a Down syndrome baby. Her response was, it was God’s wish and she never thought about the risk of having a child with a disorder.
This Sandwich Shop Has Caused Quite the Allergic Reaction
When Celia Marsh, 42 of Wiltshire, England, went to Pret a Manger for a quick bite to eat, she didn’t know that she’d be paying for it with her life.
Expecting Dads. Here’s How to Pass Good Health to Your Baby
For a long time, many people believed that a mother’s health and lifestyle choices were the only things that affected the health of an unborn child. The thinking went, whatever the mother eats, the unborn baby eats; and whatever the mother did that could harm her health, such as smoking or drinking alcohol, could also harm her unborn child. So, if mom followed a healthy diet and lifestyle, got enough rest and took care of herself, she would likely have a healthy child.
Baby Teeth May Provide Insight Into Autism!
The proof is in the pudding, and in this case the pudding may be baby teeth! A study conducted by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) discovered that baby teeth from children with autism contained higher levels of toxic lead and lower levels of the essential minerals zinc and manganese, compared to baby teeth from children who did not have autism.
Can obesity in parents affect childhood development?
More than a third of U.S. adults are considered obese. Approximately 1 in 5 pregnant women in the U.S. begin their pregnancy with a BMI of 30 or higher (the standard for obesity). Concerns have been raised about the way a mother’s obesity affects her baby’s development due to inflammation during prenatal brain development, metabolic disorders, micronutrient insufficiency, hyperglycemia (high blood sugar), and abnormal development of the serotonin system (important for mood balance).
Scientists look to babies’ gut bacteria to predict their asthma and allergy risk
Products that promote “good bacteria” continue to be popular among health-seekers in supermarkets, with probiotic drinks like kombucha gaining notoriety. Even beyond digestion, the various microorganisms that live in your gut (called your “gut microbiota”) may affect things like your mood and how often you get sick. So it’s no surprise that scientists wanted to find out how gut bacteria in babies affected their likelihood for developing asthma and allergies.
Of course we want less arsenic in infant rice cereal!
Ever thought about arsenic in the rice you feed your family? Probably not. Arsenic in baby cereal? Unthinkable. However, concerns over inorganic arsenic levels in infant rice cereal has caught the attention of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), prompting the agency to propose a new limit for how much arsenic is OK in your baby’s cereal. The proposal limits inorganic arsenic to 100 parts per billion. Currently, there is no such limit.
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