Constipation is on the rise

Many of us are living in a sedentary world. We spend prolonged periods sitting in front of a computer screen at work or at home. Add in the ever-increasing stress, poor dietary choices, lack of fiber, inadequate fluid intake and lack of exercise, and you have the perfect storm for constipation. Unsurprisingly, an article in the American Journal of Gastroenterology found an increased number of emergency room visits for constipation between 2006-2011. To understand why this problem seems to be on the rise, let’s take a look at what constipation is and what you can do.

New Year’s resolution 2015: Fill in the gaps in your workout routine!

New Year’s advertising for gym memberships is as predictable as after-Christmas sales. This is the time of year when we are all at our most virtuous. But workouts should be complete to achieve the dazzling results you want. For example, running won’t strengthen your arms and powerlifting won’t make you flexible.

Exercise does a kid’s brain good

It’s no secret that many students in every grade level at schools across the country are struggling with their studies. But what if the answer for helping them blossom isn't necessarily more time in the classroom or more teachers? To the contrary, could the answer be spending less time in the classroom and more time being outdoors playing or doing some form of exercise?

Be proactive: Reduce your risk for breast cancer

Why does one woman get breast cancer and not another? Aside from genetics, there are often multiple factors that contribute to the development of breast cancer. And yes, there are things you can do now to be proactive to minimize your risk for developing this disease. Let’s take a look at what you can start doing today to protect your health.

Try simple lifestyle changes to ease fibromyalgia pain

There are currently about 5 million adults living with fibromyalgia in the U.S. It could be your co-worker, boss, friend, family member – or even you. With millions of people struggling with this condition, let’s take a few minutes to make sure you’re well informed on not only what it is, but also how it can be addressed in everyday life. Read on to get the info you need.

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