The 10,000 Step Myth And What We Really Need To Do To Stay Active During The Pandemic

Since many gyms will continue to be closed for the foreseeable future, a large number of my fellow boomers are now looking for the activity trackers they either got themselves or received as holiday and birthday gifts for “when I start walking” to lose these extra pounds.

Your Blood Chemistry and Covid-19: What You Need to Know

Healthcare providers and researchers continue to learn more about the SARS-CoV-2 virus (the virus that causes Covid-19) and how it impacts the body and its various systems. One key area of investigation has been why and how this novel coronavirus can trigger a level of blood clotting that can damage the lungs, heart and other organs.

A Cancer Diagnosis Is Scary, But Exercise May Scare Cancer Away

Receiving a cancer diagnosis has to be one of the scariest things that can happen to you in life. The uncertainty. The lack of control. The feeling of being absolutely helpless. When it comes to cancer, one person’s prognosis may be very different from the next person’s, however, exercise may be just the ‘medicine’ someone with cancer needs.

High Blood Sugar Levels May Be Standing In The Way Of Your Cardio Goals

There may be something deterring you from reaping the full benefits of all the aerobic exercise you may be doing. And that 'thing' may be hyperglycemia (high blood sugar).

Yes, Golf Is A Great Exercise - Especially In The Age Of COVID-19

With the threat of COVID-19, one of my favorite social distancing activities has been playing golf. It gives me the opportunity to get fresh air and sunlight (which is necessary for getting vitamin D, a very important nutrient that we all need to stay healthy). And although golf may not be as vigorous as perhaps running or cycling, it is still a good form of physical exercise. 

If You Haven't Already, Make Exercise a Habit. Right Now!

Researchers of a recent study found an association between long-term training and metabolic disease prevention. The theory is that long-term exercise may alter muscular gene activity in a way that could help prevent the development of metabolic health issues such as diabetes and heart disease (conditions that millions of Americans suffer from).

American Cancer Society’s Updated Guidelines In Cancer Prevention

The American Cancer Society recently updated their guidelines regarding diet and physical activity in regards to preventing cancer (the last update was conducted in 2012). Changes to the guidelines include recommendations to get more physical activity, eating less or no processed meat or red meat and avoiding alcohol or drinking less of it.

Why You May Want To Jump Around

I’ve got the perfect workout for you, and it may even bring back great memories from your childhood. I’m talking about jumping rope.

Obesity Named Top Risk Factor For COVID-19. These 6 "Doctors" Can Help

We cannot control our age or genetic predispositions to certain health issues, but we can certainly make an effort to control our weight and maintain a strong immune system. This goes far beyond the number on the scale. It includes doing our part to stay active and eat healthily. It involves being proactive about our health and well being and consulting our doctors when necessary.

The Coronavirus Wake-Up Call

One of the most difficult and painful aspects of the current SARS-CoV-2 (coronavirus or COVID-19) pandemic is having to accept that individually as well as a society, we could have done so much more to reduce the impact of this virus. Admittedly, our lifestyles have contributed to the underlying health conditions that greatly increase the risk of developing complications or even dying from this virus.

Looking for a new way to exercise, have fun and meet people? Become a Pickler!

After learning more about pickleball and its benefits, I can tell you that I am ready to join the ranks of the more than 3.3 million “picklers,” the overwhelming majority of whom are over 55, in the United States.

This Story Of a Young Bodybuilder Teaches Us All Something About Supplements and Safety

The story I’m about to discuss is regarding a young man, who prefers to remain anonymous and will be referred to as “J,” who had a very challenging experience from taking a particular supplement. I think it’s important to share this story.

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