June is National Fresh Fruit and Vegetables Month! Here’s What’s In Season

I think we should celebrate eating fresh fruits and veggies every month, but I’m excited to really dive into summer by going to the farmers market and taking advantage of what’s in season.

5 Reasons Why Persimmons Pair Perfectly With The Holidays

Believe it or not, persimmons are actually berries despite being around the same size and color as a tangerine. The options for how to eat and incorporate persimmons into your holiday celebrations are practically endless.

You Might Want To Consider Being a ‘Locavore.’

I try my best to provide healthy, plant-forward dinners for my husband and 15-month-old son as much as possible. It’s not always easy, and I know many people can relate to this whether they are cooking just for themselves or their families. My biggest struggle is falling into a rut (really, broccoli again?!) or not knowing what to cook for dinner (enter feeling defeated and succumbing to take-out).

November is National Healthy Skin Month. Let’s Celebrate By Being Proactive.

The American Academy of Dermatology (AAD) has declared the month of November as National Healthy Skin Month®. Our skin is a very important organ. It is the body’s largest organ, and its main function is to provide protection against elements such as bacteria, chemicals and temperature. 

Having a Baby? Why The First 1,000 Days of Nutrition Are Key

Babies don’t know what cake or soda is anyway, so why give it to them? Perhaps it’s time we all rethink the one-year-old celebration smash cake. 

The Longevity Diet May Change The Way You Think About Protein And How You Eat In General

A 54-year-old neurologist by the name of Valter Longo said that he plans to live to 120 by following what he calls the longevity diet. Normally, I would gloss over such claims, however, check out this man’s accolades! Dr. Vongo is also author of the The Longevity Diet (a book published in 2016).

What is “Reducetarianism,” and Should You Practice It?

What and how we eat is very complex. Some people practice intermittent fasting. And, of course, some identify as vegan, vegetarian, ovo-vegetarian (excludes all animal foods except eggs), pescatarian and omnivore (eats both plant and animal foods). There is even a flexitarian diet, which is essentially a person who eats plant-based the majority of the time but occasionally eats animal foods.

Why You Might Want To Drink Acai Berry Lemonade This Labor Day Weekend

For many, Labor Day weekend is a booze-filled holiday, however, in my pursuit of a new mocktail I came across a drink I think might entice you to walk past the beer cooler or sangria punch bowl. Strawberry acai lemonade.

Why You Need To Try Banana Peel Flour ASAP!

Just like there are many different types of milk, there are many different types of flour. It can get a bit confusing, so let’s go over a few:

Why I’m Making Watermelon Rind Pickles This Summer, And You Should Too!

Watermelon season is upon us. I cannot think of a more refreshing and satisfying summer treat. On a hot day, there’s nothing better than biting into the juicy flesh of a cool, fresh piece of watermelon. Like most people, I chuck the rinds into the trash. However, recently, I discovered that this “throwaway” part of the watermelon is actually very nutrient-dense and easy to incorporate into your healthy summer eating plans.

Following the Alkaline Diet is a Balancing Act. Literally!

One diet that has been embraced by many people is the alkaline diet. It is a diet that has even caught the attention of celebrities like Victoria Beckham, Gwyneth Paltrow, Jennifer Aniston and Kelly Ripa. But in my opinion it is a diet that should be embraced by most people, because it isn’t a fad diet and is necessary for the proper functioning of our bodies.

Tailor Your Diet To Be Extra Healthy With These Five Fruits

Now, if you really want to be proactive and tailor your diet to be as healthy as possible, check out this scientific report which suggests “the top five fruits to add to your diet.” These five fruits are particularly nutrient-rich and researchers ranked these fruits as “powerhouse fruits,” meaning “those most strongly associated with reducing the risk of chronic diseases.”

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