Get your beauty sleep or you may be upping your risk for hypertension, diabetes, premature aging & more
Sleep deficiency and poor sleep quality are widely underestimated as major causes of health problems and mortality. They are not only related to daytime sleepiness, poor memory and decreased ability to concentrate, but to more serious outcomes as well, such as increased car crashes (1.2 million car crashes in the U.S. each year are related to drowsiness), and a multitude of permanent adverse health effects such as increased heart problems, degenerative effects on brain function, premature aging and weight gain. Statistics show that at least 50-70 million people in the U.S. have a sleep disorder. A Gallup poll suggests that as much as 40 percent of Americans get less than the recommended sleep time. Sleep times averaged 7.9 hours in 1942. This number has steadily decreased to 6.8 hours in the 1990s and 2000s.
Exercise isn’t just about your weight, it’s about enjoying your life
Of course you know exercise is important for your health. Of course you've heard that 150 minutes of cardio a week is recommended for overall fitness and wellness. So, why do you need to read yet another article about exercise? Because exercise can help you have more energy, feel happier, get better sleep, improve your sex life and reduce your risk for serious health problems at the same time!
Wheezes and Sneezes Just From Fresh Breezes?
It has been allergy season for me, and recently, it all came to a head. I came home late one night. I had been gone all day. Looking for a nice fresh breeze to air out my home, I opened two doors to the outside – my mistake. I started sneezing like crazy almost every few seconds with seemingly no end to it for some 10-15 minutes. I had to do something. I could have taken antihistamines or cortisone nose sprays (helpful for nasal congestion, but weakens the nasal mucosa and can cause dryness and even nose bleeds), but I don't like to take medicine if I don’t need to. So I did the most practical thing I could think of.
Protect yourself against brain toxins
Almost everyone has heard the phrase “mad as a hatter,” but most people don’t know that it originated in 18th century England when hatters exposed to mercury salts literally went “mad” from the toxicity. Three centuries later, toxins in our homes and environment continue to be a threat to healthy brain function.
Simple tips to catch your Zzz’s
It's a cruel joke. You're exhausted, you pulled a 14-hour day, you know you should be passing out – and yet, you can't sleep. Again. Chronic insomnia plagues millions of Americans. Addictions to tablets, phones, caffeinated coffee and teas, late-night Game of Thrones binges, work martyrdom, bad news on television, and chronically worrying about your children/love life/paycheck/waist size allcontribute to the problem. In short, everyone seems to be sabotaging their sleep like nobody’s business.
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