Why You Might Want To Drink Acai Berry Lemonade This Labor Day Weekend

For many, Labor Day weekend is a booze-filled holiday, however, in my pursuit of a new mocktail I came across a drink I think might entice you to walk past the beer cooler or sangria punch bowl. Strawberry acai lemonade.

Moringa – The Nutrient Powerhouse You’ve Probably Never Heard About

Moringa is a true powerhouse when it comes to nutrition. It contains 92 nutrients as well as all nine essential amino acids.

Chia - A Mineral Rich Superfood

In our book, Minerals-The Forgotten Nutrient, we use credible research to highlight the importance of many minerals to our general health and wellbeing. Each week we will identify one food source which is rich in minerals so you can consider whether to incorporate it into your diet. This week we highlight Chia.

Out of All the Cherries, Here’s Why You Should Pick Acerola

Recently, something caught my attention at the local health food store. I was taking a stroll through the supplement aisle and noticed an acerola cherry supplement. I was intrigued, because the bottle of the supplement advertised that it was extremely rich in vitamin C. 

Spirulina...The ‘Pond Scum’ You May Want to Include in Your Diet!

Apparently, Oprah and Kate Middleton love spirulina. Reportedly, Middleton drinks a smoothie twice a day that contains kale, matcha, spinach, romaine, cilantro, blueberries and spirulina. And Oprah is said to have used a spirulina supplement to “level out her blood sugar while losing weight.”

Camu Camu. The Vitamin C Powerhouse You’ve Never Heard Of

Model and socialite Kendall Jenner reportedly has added another major title to her repertoire: “oral health mogul.” She recently created an oral care line called Moon which contains, as one would probably imagine, your not so average dental hygiene products. And one of these products is a toothpaste that contains ingredients including camu camu.

We're Buzzing About These Health Benefits of Honey

Most people associate honey with those jars of honey that live on the shelves of grocery stores. Unfortunately, much of the honey you see in the stores is processed and heated, which significantly reduces its nutrient content. These processed products are usually depleted of bee pollen, an antioxidant that may relieve inflammation, allergies and help boost the immune system. If you are interested in reaping nutritional benefits from honey, then perhaps you should consider raw honey.

Superfood chayote: Why this staple in Jamaica should be a staple on your table

Chayote is a fast-growing, sun-loving, nutritious vegetable that, left untethered, can completely take over a garden, fence or tree in your yard. In fact, that’s what happened to me. I recently found vines of chayotes sprawling across several of my trees! I totally forgot that I had bought one from Whole Foods a few years ago and planted it in my yard. I was able to pick three mature chayotes from the tree to eat -- a little taste of home.

Have you heard of breadfruit? A tropical superfood packing tons of health benefits

There is a fruit so rich in nutrients, it very well could end hunger in tropical regions of the world. And the crazy part? You probably haven’t heard of it! It’s called breadfruit. Cultivated and enjoyed in the South Pacific for over 3,000 years, explorers brought breadfruit to the Caribbean islands in the 1700s, allowing breadfruit to continue to spread in tropical regions.

Want to improve your memory? Try a cup of blueberries

It’s blueberry season! And if the taste alone wasn’t incentive enough to go get yourself a carton, new research shows that blueberries may be quite the superfood for your brain and memory. Two new studies show that eating blueberries may improve thinking and memory skills in older adults with memory issues.

Ch-ch-ch-chia! Reap the benefits of superfood chia seeds

Although it seems like a new health-food craze, chia is actually one of the oldest. Chia is a traditional food in Central and South America, famously a staple of the Aztec warriors. This Salvia hispanica is in the mint family and makes white or purple flowers. The edible seed is renowned for its high content of omega fatty acids, protein, fiber, antioxidants, and vitamins and minerals. Chia seeds are gluten-free, too. So what can chia do for you?

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