Kids Who Eat More Saturated Fats May Turn Out To Be Stressed Out Adults!

When it comes to being healthy, it is not just about being skinny. Aside from body weight, a high fat diet may have a major psychological impact on young people - especially adolescents.

Adding This To Your Prenatal Routine May Help Lower Your Child's Risk For Autism

There is no denying that the bugs in our guts play a major role in our health. For example, they may be a contributing factor in whether we feel depressed or are able to lose those unwanted, stubborn pounds. They also aid in nutrient absorption and may have an impact on our risk of developing cancer.

Be Proactive About Liver Cancer

If you have been following the news lately, you may have seen the alarming report from the US Centers of Disease Control and Prevention. Liver cancer deaths in the United States have increased by more than 40 percent in the past 16 years - even as mortality rates for all cancers combined have declined.

Beer and Baseball at Your Next BBQ? Not so Fast!

If you’re like 90 percent of Americans who are drinkers, you will likely be planning to enjoy your favorite distilled beverage while you are outdoors (especially now that it’s summer). And, according to research, the most popular venue by far for outdoor drinking is, hands down, the barbecue with a favorite vote of some 65 percent. The other 35 percent like imbibing at picnics, pool parties, summer festivals and outdoor concerts.

Why Parents Need to Know About Vyvanse

If you or a family member has attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (often called ADHD or ADD), you most likely have heard about Adderall or Ritalin, both of which have been on the market for decades. And if you have college-age children, you probably have also heard that many students use these medications, sometimes without the proper prescription from a doctor, in an attempt to gain a “competitive edge” in their academic performance. This practice is similar to how some athletes take pharmaceuticals to improve their performance.

The Workout That Almost Ended This Boy’s Life

We often equate success with exceeding our limits, pushing ourselves to the extreme no matter how painful it may be. This is especially true when it comes to working out. You may have even heard your trainer say: “No pain, no gain!”

Why We Are Fired Up About Dragon Fruit

Do you ever wonder why sugary, processed candies usually try to imitate natural fruit flavors?

Can You Actually Sweat Out Toxins?

In the morning perhaps after a night of overdoing it on the alcohol, you may hear someone say: “I’m going to go in the sauna or force myself to work out, so I can sweat out all the toxins.”

The Knockout Combo You Don’t Want - Cocaine and Alcohol

April is Alcohol Awareness Month, and many people are already aware that an addiction to alcohol can be detrimental to their physical and mental health.

Be Proactive About Palliative Care

There continues to be a misunderstanding about palliative care among both healthcare providers and patients. Unfortunately, this lack of understanding has resulted in underutilization of this important discipline which brings numerous benefits to patients, their families and caregivers and providers.

When Blood Comes Out Of Your Eyes

Popular culture seems fascinated with the idea of bloody or bleeding eyes. Television programs about vampires, politicians rebutting uncomfortable questions from reporters and gothic mystery novels routinely create vivid images of people with torrents of blood flowing from their eyes. And while this may be a common dramatic device to make a point or enhance a story, is it really based in reality? Can and do our eyes really bleed?

For the Love of Meat, Let’s Talk About the Impossible Burger

Meat is a major staple in the American diet. But many Americans are eating less meat or following a plant-based diet. Recent data suggests that six percent of Americans now identify as vegan.

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