Toxins making you fat?

You have probably heard “toxins are "bad,” "toxins will cause cancer" or "toxins could be the reason for your hair loss.” But did you know toxins can cause weight gain? Yes, toxins (harmful chemicals and heavy metals in water, air, food, and household and industrial products) may very well be a cause for America’s obesity epidemic, not excess calories.

Got calcium?

It was one of the most successful food-marketing campaigns ever. Who could forget the beautiful celebrities and their milk mustaches in the “Got Milk?” ads? But it’s 2014, and many people are lactose intolerant and science is showing that the focus on calcium may have just been staggeringly wrong.

Man up: Boost T naturally

Many middle-aged men consider taking testosterone – or simply T – when they want to turn back their biological clocks to recapture the feeling of youthfulness that comes with increased muscle strength, libido, exercise tolerance, and stamina. Testosterone has become increasingly popular in the last decade. Doctors wrote more than 5.3 million prescriptions for testosterone therapy in 2011 alone – that’s five times as many as in 2000, according to the Journal of the American Medical Association.

Pass the salt: Are you seasoning your way to optimal health or hazard?

Many people get sodium from table salt (which is 40 percent sodium) and packaged foods. The typical American consumes about 3,000-5,000 mg of sodium each day, and salt lovers may be consuming twice this much. But the Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommends limiting your sodium intake to 2,300 mg or less. If you are older than 50, African American or at risk for high blood pressure, the recommended intake is 1,500 mg a day or less.

Simple tips to catch your Zzz’s

It's a cruel joke. You're exhausted, you pulled a 14-hour day, you know you should be passing out – and yet, you can't sleep. Again. Chronic insomnia plagues millions of Americans. Addictions to tablets, phones, caffeinated coffee and teas, late-night Game of Thrones binges, work martyrdom, bad news on television, and chronically worrying about your children/love life/paycheck/waist size allcontribute to the problem. In short, everyone seems to be sabotaging their sleep like nobody’s business.

Be proactive: Protect your prostate

September is National Prostate Cancer Awareness Month, so this is a good time to think about your game plan for protecting yourself against prostate cancer. Prostate cancer is associated with frequent trips to the bathroom, erectile dysfunction, impotence, and, in more advanced cases, bladder incontinence and urinary flow obstruction. As a result, some men feel embarrassed to talk about it. But knowledge is power, so the sooner you arm yourself with the information you need, the better your odds are of keeping prostate cancer at bay.

Get crackin’ -- Prevent diabetes before it strikes

A recent study reported this month that regular consumption of pistachios is beneficial for patients with prediabetes. According to the study, “pistachios appear to hold special properties. They contain more lutein, β-carotene and γ-tocopherol than other nuts, and they also appear to hold particular anti-inflammatory properties.”

Beating stubborn body odor

You bathe every day and wear deodorant, but you still can’t help feeling a little self-conscious. “Is that smell coming from me?!” Instead of just trying to find new ways to cover the bad odor, take a look at some of the potential reasons for it. There may be an underlying health condition you weren’t aware of.

Smart food for a smart brain

Turns out that the old saying of “You are what you eat” is true, and especially so when it comes to your brain. It’s no secret that the foods you consume have an effect on your body, but exactly how can what you eat make you smarter?

Chlorella: A secret weapon for fatty liver disease

Doctors diagnose fatty livers all the time. One in four Americans have non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, according to the American Liver Foundation. A fatty liver can lead to scarring and, in severe cases, liver failure. Fatty liver disease is a serious condition, even though its symptoms may be vague in the early stages.

Try simple lifestyle changes to ease fibromyalgia pain

There are currently about 5 million adults living with fibromyalgia in the U.S. It could be your co-worker, boss, friend, family member – or even you. With millions of people struggling with this condition, let’s take a few minutes to make sure you’re well informed on not only what it is, but also how it can be addressed in everyday life. Read on to get the info you need.

Patient feedback: A powerful tool when used correctly

Dr. Pauline Jose’s nurse practitioner was scrolling through their online reviews. Things were looking good. “Great doctor” and “nice” came up frequently. Suddenly, a review caught his attention. A patient had submitted a low-rated review, complaining about a “strange stain” on the doctor’s white coat. Dr. Jose, a family physician, was flabbergasted. She was used to being evaluated on her bedside manner and her diagnostic acumen, not sartorial perfection.

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