Who said chocolate is a guilty pleasure?

The world seemed to rejoice when dark chocolate was pronounced a “healthy” food. Finally, after decades of every edible pleasure being slapped with a “DO NOT EAT” sign, we have something that’s delicious, luxurious, has a little caffeine and might prevent heart attacks.

Be proactive about childhood obesity - Give your kids a chance to enjoy their healthy lives

According to the Centers for Disease Control, obesity has more than doubled in children and quadrupled in teens in the last 30 years. It has officially become an epidemic. So there is no dispute that childhood obesity is a serious public health concern.

Be proactive: An aspirin a day can keep cancer away — but know the risks

Daily aspirin use has long been touted to prevent heart attacks, and now new research shows that aspirin may also be helpful in cancer prevention. But daily aspirin therapy might not be for everyone.

Be proactive: Depression can have a crippling effect on your health

Depression can cast a shadow over every facet of your life – from your social life to sleep routine, eating habits to memory. Each day can be a struggle. And it’s more common than you may realize.

Popping pills for pains?

The U.S. is one of the richest, most privileged countries in the world — and also the most avid consumers of pain pills, according to a recent report by the Centers for Disease Control. We take twice as many opioid pain-relievers per person as Canada does (they are #2 on the dubious list of pill-popping nations).

How much water do you really need?

Water makes up 60% of your body weight. This number is higher for babies and less for the elderly. It is vital to life, as it helps flush out toxins from most organs and carries nutrients to all the cells of the body. Every system in your body needs water. When you don’t have enough water, you might end up suffering from dehydration, which causes you to feel weak and drained of energy.

Boost long-term heart health in just 5 minutes a day

Think you don’t have time for exercise? A new study published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology suggests as little as 5 to 10 minutes of running a day, even at slow speeds, can significantly lower your risk of dying from a cardiovascular disease, such as a heart attack or stroke. This is great news, considering the top barrier to exercise is finding the time.

Tattoo safety: Health precautions every ink-seeker should know

It is no longer a stigma of prison inmates, sailors or bikers. Your health care provider may even have one! Whether it’s for personal expression or group affiliation, seems more and more people are getting a tattoo, from celebrities to the “average Joe.” One poll shows that 21% of Americans are inked.

Magnesium: Don’t you forget about me

Doctors often talk about drugs in terms of the minerals they throw out of whack. Some are “potassium-sparing,” while others are “calcium-wasting.”

Is iodine deficiency on your radar?

Iodine deficiency isn't on the radar for most Americans. As you’ve heard on the news, most people in the U.S. eat too much salt, and common table salt is "iodized" with this essential nutrient.

Ask your doctor: 'Are supplements safe to take with my Rx?'

Many of you can probably recall that questionnaire you received at your doctor’s office inquiring whether you take any dietary supplements. If you are like most people, you do not include all the supplements or vitamins you take, and might jot down a few easy ones like vitamin C even if you take others.

Q&A: What does pH have to do with my health?

Here at pH Labs, we’ve focused our health care practice and recommendations around the maintenance of healthy pH levels in the body. Because of this approach to health and wellness, we sometimes get a lot of questions. Here are few of the comments/questions we have received.

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