5 reasons you need the health benefits of omega 3s

We hear a lot about healthy fats and how good they are for our bodies. In fact, they’re a mainstay of the praised Mediterranean diet, with staples like olive oil, whole grains and avocado. One of the reasons the Mediterranean diet is often recommended is due to the healthy omega-3 and omega-6 ratio, with more omega-3s in the diet than omega-6s. The typical Western diet gets plenty of omega-6s, but not enough omega-3s, and this can cause inflammation and disease.

Be proactive about uterine fibroids

My friend looked four months pregnant. "Congrat--" was all I could utter, before she interrupted me. "Fibroid." Instead of a baby, a fibroid, or leiomyoma, was stretching out her uterus in noticeable fashion. She had the most common pelvic tumor, one that's seen in 12-25 percent of reproductive-age women. Hers wasn't symptomatic, but many women who have fibroids notice lower abdominal pain, heavy and long menstrual bleeding, or problems getting pregnant.

Ensure you’re getting enough magnesium during pregnancy

When I was a medical student, “magging” was a popular activity in the obstetrics ward. “Magging” referred to injecting magnesium sulfate into the IVs of laboring women. Magnesium slows down contractions and reduces blood pressure in women suffering from pre-eclampsia, the old “toxemia of pregnancy,” also referred to as “pregnancy-induced hypertension.”

Celebrate World Breastfeeding Week!

Did you know California has the highest rate of breastfeeding in the entire country? This is great news for us here in the Golden State, with 92.8 percent of babies having been breastfed in 2014. But why aren't all babies being breastfed? Science has shown there are so many benefits to breastfeeding (and downsides to formula) that breast is nearly always best.

Are cell phones harming your children?

For most people, cell phones are an integral part of daily life. And there’s an app for everything, from business productivity to video chatting and from laundry services to ride sharing. It’s easy to stay connected all the time and it seems that’s exactly what people are doing. As of April 2014, there were over 328 million cell phones in use in the U.S. (yes, more than one cell phone for every man, woman and child), and that number is expected to continue to increase. It seems everyone in the family but the dog has a phone or even two.

Beating your biological clock: How to increase fertility later in life

More and more women are having babies later in their reproductive years. Though many women are trying to make sure they are fully prepared to take on parenthood, waiting can sometimes lead to fertility issues. To help you make informed health decisions, here are some answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about fertility, followed by some practical tips you can begin using right away.

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