Are You Pregnant? You Need to Read This About Vitamin D
Vitamin D is one of the nutrients you need to stay healthy. As you may already know, it is sometimes referred to as the ‘sunshine vitamin’ because it is made with the help of the sun.
Attention Pregnant Moms: Are You Eating Fish?
New studies show that fish, raw or cooked, may have a plethora of health benefits for mothers and their babies. However, particularly with eating raw fish, there are some risks a pregnant woman might want to consider.
Expecting Dads. Here’s How to Pass Good Health to Your Baby
For a long time, many people believed that a mother’s health and lifestyle choices were the only things that affected the health of an unborn child. The thinking went, whatever the mother eats, the unborn baby eats; and whatever the mother did that could harm her health, such as smoking or drinking alcohol, could also harm her unborn child. So, if mom followed a healthy diet and lifestyle, got enough rest and took care of herself, she would likely have a healthy child.
Adding This To Your Prenatal Routine May Help Lower Your Child's Risk For Autism
There is no denying that the bugs in our guts play a major role in our health. For example, they may be a contributing factor in whether we feel depressed or are able to lose those unwanted, stubborn pounds. They also aid in nutrient absorption and may have an impact on our risk of developing cancer.
The Prebiotic in Breast Milk May Prevent Allergies in Children
There are varying opinions on whether a mother should breastfeed her baby in public or how old is too old for a child to be breastfed.
What Do Non-Diabetic Blood Sugar Spikes Early in Pregnancy Have to Do with Your Unborn Baby? - A Lot!
When you are expecting a baby, you hope for the best and do everything in your power to protect the health of your unborn child.
What's Wrong with Drinking Diet Soda While Pregnant? (Only, Everything!)
September is National Childhood Obesity Awareness Month. One in 3 children are obese. And obesity puts kids at risk for numerous health problems, like diabetes.
Baby Teeth May Provide Insight Into Autism!
The proof is in the pudding, and in this case the pudding may be baby teeth! A study conducted by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) discovered that baby teeth from children with autism contained higher levels of toxic lead and lower levels of the essential minerals zinc and manganese, compared to baby teeth from children who did not have autism.
Can Breastfeeding Lower Your Chances of Postpartum Depression?
Australian Senator Larissa Waters recently caught the world’s attention by doing something many new mothers do. She breastfed her newborn baby girl. Waters and her 11 and a half week old daughter made history by being the first mother and child to engage in breastfeeding in Australia's federal Parliament.
Are You Pregnant? Avoid Getting Listeria Bacteria
You have probably heard of food recalls from your local and national news. These announcements warn us not to buy and consume certain foods or products in grocery stores due to contamination with Listeria, a bacterial infection caused by the Listeria monocytogenes bacteria. This infection typically stems from eating contaminated food, resulting in an illness called listeriosis.
Be proactive about lead exposure for babies and children
Parents have enough to worry about! Toxic metals shouldn’t be one of them. However, whether we like it or not, lead is all around us -- in drinking water, lipsticks, older paints, foods, soil, air and dust. Although it’s a naturally occurring heavy metal found in small amounts in the Earth’s crust, it can be toxic to your health and even more toxic to your little ones.
Scientists look to babies’ gut bacteria to predict their asthma and allergy risk
Products that promote “good bacteria” continue to be popular among health-seekers in supermarkets, with probiotic drinks like kombucha gaining notoriety. Even beyond digestion, the various microorganisms that live in your gut (called your “gut microbiota”) may affect things like your mood and how often you get sick. So it’s no surprise that scientists wanted to find out how gut bacteria in babies affected their likelihood for developing asthma and allergies.
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