Watch out, vampires! We can’t get enough of garlic’s health benefits

Garlic has been in use at least since the beginning of recorded history. It’s been found in ancient Egyptian pyramids and Greek temples. Ancient medicinal texts show beneficial uses in Egypt, Greece, Rome, China and India. The Greek physician Hippocrates prescribed garlic for a number of conditions. Garlic was fed to Greek soldiers to give them courage for war and Olympic athletes to increase their performance. In ancient China and Japan, it was used as an aid for digestion and respiration and as a food preservative. In India, it was used for digestive diseases, parasites, arthritis and heart disease. In Europe in the Middle Ages, it was used as a treatment for the plague.

What’s the big deal about pesticides?

Pesticides have a bad name among health-conscious consumers. Many are concerned about the health implications of pesticide exposure, especially among children, pets and the shrinking honeybee population. But farmers who use them might say that pesticides are necessary chemicals for protecting their crops from parasitic insects and a multitude of plant diseases. Farmers constantly face the challenge of new and old crop diseases, and they have to make sure their crops aren’t responsible for spreading any illnesses among consumers. Let’s be proactive and understand how pesticides may be affecting your health.

Exercise isn’t just about your weight, it’s about enjoying your life

Of course you know exercise is important for your health. Of course you've heard that 150 minutes of cardio a week is recommended for overall fitness and wellness. So, why do you need to read yet another article about exercise? Because exercise can help you have more energy, feel happier, get better sleep, improve your sex life and reduce your risk for serious health problems at the same time!

See Why Our Clients Are Raving About Proactive Health Labs (pH Labs)!

Here are just a few recent examples of how our clients have enjoyed healthier and happier lives by visiting Proactive Health Labs, in their own words.

Wheezes and Sneezes Just From Fresh Breezes?

It has been allergy season for me, and recently, it all came to a head. I came home late one night. I had been gone all day. Looking for a nice fresh breeze to air out my home, I opened two doors to the outside – my mistake. I started sneezing like crazy almost every few seconds with seemingly no end to it for some 10-15 minutes. I had to do something. I could have taken antihistamines or cortisone nose sprays (helpful for nasal congestion, but weakens the nasal mucosa and can cause dryness and even nose bleeds), but I don't like to take medicine if I don’t need to. So I did the most practical thing I could think of.

All burnt out? Check your hormone levels

There can be a multitude of reasons why your energy has gone from zip-zip to zero. You might be juggling a few more things than you want to. Your job or personal life may be sucking up all your energy. Or perhaps you’re lacking in the sleep department, or making food choices that are making you more sluggish. In some cases, you may have an undetected disease that’s draining you.

Why did you pass out during the blood draw?

Fainting – It can happen to otherwise healthy people! You may feel faint and light-headed and then suddenly lose consciousness or pass out. The most common cause of fainting (especially among children and young adults) is neurally mediated syncope, which is also commonly referred to as vasovagal syncope or a vasovagal response. In a vasovagal response, your blood pressure drops and the heart does not pump a normal amount of oxygen to the brain. The response is often triggered by anxiety or emotional distress, sometimes even from the sight of blood during a blood draw. This type of fainting can lead to minor injuries, like cuts or bruises from falling, but it is considered to be relatively harmless in most cases.

I spy with my little eye: Clues about your health!

You are visiting a general doctor’s office. You are sitting down and having a brief chat with the doctor. Unexpectedly, your doctor asks if have a particular ailment such as heart, kidney, liver or thyroid disease. This takes you by surprise because you didn't realize the doctor was examining you yet. But perhaps the exam began at your first “hello.” Why? Because doctors can detect clues about your health just by looking at your eyes.

Be proactive about your pancreas: What you can do now to keep it in tip-top shape

If you are like most people, you probably think of the pancreas as the organ that produces insulin – the critical hormone necessary to prevent diabetes. But the pancreas has another important function and that is to produce digestive enzymes. Digestive enzymes are proteins that break up food into particles small enough to allow your body to digest it.

What’s the big deal about fiber?

Inadequate consumption of fiber is reported to be one of the biggest public health concerns for the majority of the U.S. population. So a good recommendation during this nutrition month of March is to incorporate more fiber into our diets. However, as consumers, we may not be clear why we really should include more fiber in our diets. It is one thing to say that we need to increase our fiber intake, but the message might be more readily accepted if it was more clearly explained to us what fiber is, what it does and where to find it. With so many misconceptions out there, many people don’t really have a clear understanding about the critical role fiber plays in our bodies.

Healing from the inside out: Why gut health matters!

Evidence has been mounting that it may not be enough to try quick fixes and over the counter aids (alka seltzer, antacids, H2-blockers, laxatives, etc.) to resolve your health issues. It seems this is the norm, plus maybe watching your diet a little, but you may be missing the bigger picture … a healthy gut!

Everything you need to know about kidney stones

Kidney stones can be unpleasant, to say the least. But if you know what symptoms to watch for, how to prevent them and what your treatment options are, you’ll have the upper hand when it comes to fending off kidney stones.

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