The Death of Tanya Roberts Highlights Why Boomer Women Need To Be Especially Proactive About UTIs

There was some major confusion regarding the death of actress Tanya Roberts, who was widely known for being a Charlie’s Angel and Bond Girl. Several media outlets initially reported that Roberts had died when in fact she was still alive. For example, according to this report, she was mistakenly reported dead after being hospitalized due to suffering from a fall at her home. Unfortunately, the 65-year-old actress did recently pass, and the cause of death may come as a shock to you as it did to me. She died of a urinary tract infection (UTI).

Be Proactive About Lyme Disease

You may already know that lyme disease comes from a tick bite. It can cause very uncomfortable symptoms, including fever, headache, fatigue and a skin rash. If left untreated, and it often does because the afflicted may not realize that they were bit by a tick or confuse their symptoms for other conditions, lyme disease can spread to the joints, heart and nervous system.

Test Your Heart Health In Less Than 2 Minutes & Be Proactive About Preventing Heart Disease

I will always advocate for the importance of getting routine medical check-ups and examinations from competent medical professionals. But I also believe we should do our part when we can to test ourselves at home. For example, while many of us may have our blood pressure checked at the doctor’s office, we can still practice at-home blood pressure monitoring.

Another Reason To Be Proactive About Preventing and Treating Lice – Iron Depletion

According to the National Institute of Health (NIH), lice may pose a significant health risk because they feed on human blood. And in some cases, “chronic infestation may cause significant blood loss leading to clinically significant anemia.”

Can’t Stand The Sting Of Mouthwash? COVID May Change Your Mind

I suspect many people are pretty indifferent to the use of mouthwash. You either use it regularly or you don’t. Or perhaps you use it only when you feel your breath is especially 'not so fresh. ''Whatever the case may be, mouthwash has always taken a backseat to the two cardinal rules for proper dental hygiene: brushing and flossing. But a recent study conducted by researchers at Penn State College of Medicine may change the attitude of many people about mouthwash.

TV Star Conchata Ferrell Dies of Heart Problems. Be Proactive About Your Heart Health With Omega-3s

I was extremely sad to hear about the recent passing of actress Conchata Ferrell. The star of the popular sitcom Two and a Half Men reportedly died due to complications from a cardiac arrest “...after several months in poor health, beginning when she contracted a kidney infection in December. She fell ill again in May and spent several weeks in intensive care, later being transferred to a long-term care facility after suffering a heart attack.”

Iconic Singer Stevie Nicks Goes to Bed at 8am?! Here’s How You Can Be Proactive About Insomnia

Aside from making us feel good, I cannot say enough how crucial sleep is to our overall health and wellbeing. To give you a bit more perspective, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) declared sleep deprivation as a health crisis.

How To Be Proactive About Preeclampsia and Your Baby’s Health With Vitamin D

Having a baby is a magical journey, but pregnancy comes with risk and sometimes complications. For example, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that every year, between two to 10 percent of pregnancies in the United States are affected by gestational diabetes. Some pregnant women may also get a condition called preeclampsia.

Hear Us Out About Hearing Loss

We all have five basic senses -- sight, smell, taste, touch and hearing. And if you’ve never had any major issues with these senses, you most likely have taken them for granted. In other words, you don’t really know how precious these senses are until you lose one!

When It Comes to Exercise, There Is No Such Thing As “Age Appropriate”

When it comes to which exercises or sports you “should” enjoy or try, the expression “age is just a number” definitely applies. The truth, as much as we have been taught otherwise, is that age has very little to do with which physical activities a person should consider for protecting their physical and emotional health.

You May Want to Delay the Dentist, But You Can Still Be Proactive About Oral Health Care

Many dental offices are now open across the country and taking extra precautions such as temperature checks. And what better way to feel somewhat normal again than by taking care of your teeth (even though you may have to hide them behind a mask)? But the World Health Organization, (WHO), is recommending that people delay routine dental checkups.

The Tragic Death of Herman Cain Is A Reminder: We Have to Be Proactive About COVID-19

We cannot definitively say that Cain caught COVID-19 because he attended the rally. But this tragic story can serve as perhaps a much needed reminder, especially as we all get more restless and impatient with quarantine and certain restrictions in place, that the coronavirus is still very much a threat and something we need to take seriously and be proactive about.

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