You May Want to Delay the Dentist, But You Can Still Be Proactive About Oral Health Care

Many dental offices are now open across the country and taking extra precautions such as temperature checks. And what better way to feel somewhat normal again than by taking care of your teeth (even though you may have to hide them behind a mask)? But the World Health Organization, (WHO), is recommending that people delay routine dental checkups.

The Tragic Death of Herman Cain Is A Reminder: We Have to Be Proactive About COVID-19

We cannot definitively say that Cain caught COVID-19 because he attended the rally. But this tragic story can serve as perhaps a much needed reminder, especially as we all get more restless and impatient with quarantine and certain restrictions in place, that the coronavirus is still very much a threat and something we need to take seriously and be proactive about.

A Cancer Diagnosis Is Scary, But Exercise May Scare Cancer Away

Receiving a cancer diagnosis has to be one of the scariest things that can happen to you in life. The uncertainty. The lack of control. The feeling of being absolutely helpless. When it comes to cancer, one person’s prognosis may be very different from the next person’s, however, exercise may be just the ‘medicine’ someone with cancer needs.

How To Be Proactive About ‘Menopause Muffin Top’ & Metabolic Syndrome

Menopause may come with some less than desirable (to say the least) side effects. And some of these side effects can present a very serious threat to a woman’s health.

Be Proactive About Preventing One Of America’s Leading Causes of Death -- Hemorrhagic Stroke

I was really sad to hear about the recent passing of country music legend Charlie Daniels. He had a career that spanned decades, won several awards and was inducted into the Country Music Hall of Fame. You might know him most for his 1979 hit “The Devil Went Down to Georgia.”  Daniels died of a hemorrhagic stroke at 83-years-old.

Another Pandemic On Our Hands We Must Be Proactive About? Suicide

What’s particularly concerning right now is that with COVID-19, people appear to be more depressed and anxious than ever. Isolation, job loss, money issues and caring for elderly family members are just a few of the things that so many people are struggling with right now that may lead to very depressive states.

Worried About the Summer Holidays? Eat Watermelon!

Not only is watermelon delicious but there are also so many nutrients and potential health benefits of eating this fruit.

If You Haven't Already, Make Exercise a Habit. Right Now!

Researchers of a recent study found an association between long-term training and metabolic disease prevention. The theory is that long-term exercise may alter muscular gene activity in a way that could help prevent the development of metabolic health issues such as diabetes and heart disease (conditions that millions of Americans suffer from).

Prominent Hollywood Publicist Dies of ALS. How We Can Be Proactive About This Devastating Disease

This disease essentially causes you to lose control of your brain. And if you do not have control of your brain, you may find it difficult to control your body.

Some Really Cool Things About Castor Oil

Castor oil is a type of vegetable oil made from castor beans (Ricinus communis). The “beans” are really just seeds. They are definitely not something you want to eat.

Be Proactive About Racial Bias In Healthcare

At a recent health committee hearing in Ohio, Emergency Room physician Steve Huffman asked if “the colored population” is especially being devastated by the coronavirus because “they do not wash their hands as well as other groups.”

Why We Should All Care About Cataracts

June is National Cataract Awareness Month. What better time to be proactive about our precious eyesight?

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