Four Big Reasons Why You Want a Strong Core

If you need some fitness inspiration in your life, a man named George Hood is your guy! Hood, a 62-year-old marine veteran, recently set a Guinness World Record by holding a plank for eight hours! (Eight hours, 15 minutes and 15 seconds, to be exact).

Don’t Panic. You Can Be Proactive About The Coronavirus

If you have been to any airport recently, I bet you’ve seen many people wearing face masks. I also bet you know the reason behind this now popular airport attire. It is the coronavirus! This virus is quite the talk of the town and maybe has many people scared. I am not scared and you shouldn't be either. Instead, be proactive and educate yourself about how to withstand this virus as well as others.

Looking For The Fountain Of Youth? You May Find It In NAD+ IV Therapy

At just 25-years-old, it’s as if Justin Bieber has lived multiple lives. Rising to fame so fast as a young child and growing up in the public eye couldn’t have been easy, which some might say is why he battled addiction issues.

This Story Of a Young Bodybuilder Teaches Us All Something About Supplements and Safety

The story I’m about to discuss is regarding a young man, who prefers to remain anonymous and will be referred to as “J,” who had a very challenging experience from taking a particular supplement. I think it’s important to share this story.

Bob Marley’s 75th Birthday Celebration Is A Reminder to Us All to Be Proactive About Skin Cancer

For those who have no clue who Bob Marley is (which I’m sure is not many people), his full name was Robert Nesta Marley. He was a Jamaican singer and songwriter and one of the biggest influencers of reggae music. He was an ambassador for reggae all over the world. Unfortunately, in May of 1981, Bob Marley died at just 36-years-old from a rare form of skin cancer called acral lentiginous melanoma (ALM). I am fairly certain that prior to Marley’s death, many people were unaware of this type of skin cancer. 

Have High Hopes For Your Fitness Goals? Listen to High-Tempo Music!

Apparently, Supreme Court Justice, Ruth Bader Ginsburg likes to listen to opera music when she works out. That’s an interesting choice. Opera is soothing and relaxing. It doesn’t make me want to get up and move! But I applaud Ginsburg for her commitment to fitness, and she is entitled to listen to whatever music she wants. But a recent study found evidence suggesting that listening to high-tempo music while working out may not only make exercise easier but also more beneficial. 

Man Loses 100 Pounds In a Year By Doing These Two Simple Things

Let's take a look at the story of a man named Jeffrey Hadley. He lost 100 pounds in a year! Hadley did this by adopting two simple rules: no more processed foods and more activity.

Think Dining Out is Pricey? What About the Expense Of Your Health?

Eating is said to be one of America’s greatest pastimes. But imagine a world without restaurants and drive- thrus. Yes, life would be less convenient. But the truth is that we’d all probably be much healthier.

What You Need to Know About Sunscreens

A recent study conducted by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) found evidence which suggested that chemicals in sunscreen are absorbed into the body “at levels that raise some safety questions,” according to one report discussing the study.

Exercise Matters. Especially For Your Brain’s “Gray Matter”

Like many people, your New Year’s resolution may be to exercise more. It’s great if your motivation stems from wanting to lose a few pounds and look good in your swimsuit or what have you, but I think it can be even more motivating and empowering if you are aware of what exercise may do for your health.

Let’s Be Proactive About Fighting Pancreatic Cancer!

Civil rights leader and U.S. Democratic Representative John Lewis died of stage 4 pancreatic cancer this past July. (Unfortunately, stage 4 means that the cancer has spread). “Lewis, 79, said he was diagnosed following a routine medical visit with subsequent tests that reconfirmed the diagnosis. The long-time Georgia congressman will undergo treatment for the cancer,” according to this CNN report (when Lewis was still alive).

Woman Develops Mass in Stomach After Eating Persimmons? Let’s Talk About Bezoars

You are probably pretty familiar with what a kidney stone is. It is essentially buildup (a clump) of waste in the urinary tract that may cause an obstruction and a lot of pain. But another type of buildup/obstruction that you might not know much about is called a bezoar.

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