How vitamin B12 can help prevent memory loss as you age

Did you know vitamin B12 is critical for brain function? When you don’t have enough of this essential vitamin -- found in foods such as beef, fish and dairy products -- you may start to experience mental decline, such as memory issues or depression.

What type of salt should you be sprinkling?

All salt is not created equal — though yes, it’s all of the earth! According to the Culinary Institute of America, all types of salt are 40 percent sodium (Na) and 60 percent chloride (Cl). Table salt comes in the form of granular cubes, and most of the table salt you buy in the U.S. is iodized to prevent goiters (enlargement of the thyroid). There were a lot of goiters in America before scientists figured out what to do.

Is that dairy habit helping or harming your heart health?

Vegetable fats are better than dairy fats, and dairy fats are better than meat fats, a recent Harvard study suggests. What prompted the study, published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, was the ongoing debate between the role of dairy fat and risk for cardiovascular diseases (like heart disease and stroke).

Portions vs. servings: What’s the difference?

Trying to eat right can be difficult! You try to “watch your portions” and make healthy choices. But sometimes enjoying one portion of something actually includes several servings. That’s because a portion and a serving are not the same thing.

The strange way chicken owners are getting salmonella

When you were a kid, did your mom warn you about the dangers of salmonella in raw eggs? Whenever you’d bake together, you still had to sneak that spoonful of cookie dough though, right? Now as an adult, you remember the warnings, and wash your hands with vigilance after handling raw chicken meat or raw eggs. But salmonella can still happen -- sometimes in unexpected ways.

It's pumpkin season! With all its nutrients, here's why you should make it a staple year round

You carve them. You paint them. But how often do you eat them? Yes, we’re talking about fall’s favorite gourd, the pumpkin! Though they certainly make bright and festive decorations, their health benefits are even better.

Sugar industry made fat the scapegoat for heart disease decades ago

In the 1960s, the sugar industry funded Harvard research that downplayed the risks of sugar and emphasized the dangers of fat, according to a new study from the University of California, San Francisco, published in JAMA Internal Medicine. Around this time, studies were coming out, linking sugar with risk factors for heart disease, like high cholesterol and triglycerides, the researchers said. So instead of letting sugar take the heat, they made dietary fat the patsy.

Your quick guide to eating clean (don’t get groceries without this)

“Eating clean” is something you hear a lot. But what does it mean for food to be “clean”? And what’s “dirty” about food that isn’t so-called “clean”? Clean eating is all about eating more whole, nutritious, fresh foods -- as nature intended. Clean foods are unprocessed, or minimally processed, and are in their most natural, organic form, free of pesticides, GMOs, added sugar, unhealthy fats, preservatives, color additives, binders, stabilizers and emulsifiers. So if you've ever tried to eat clean or want to, here's a quick cheat sheet.

Have you heard of breadfruit? A tropical superfood packing tons of health benefits

There is a fruit so rich in nutrients, it very well could end hunger in tropical regions of the world. And the crazy part? You probably haven’t heard of it! It’s called breadfruit. Cultivated and enjoyed in the South Pacific for over 3,000 years, explorers brought breadfruit to the Caribbean islands in the 1700s, allowing breadfruit to continue to spread in tropical regions.

Why red meat eaters may be at risk for kidney failure

If you love your steaks and BBQ pulled porks, you may want to cut back on how much you have. A recent study from Singapore suggests that eating red meat (mostly pork, in this case) may boost your risk for kidney failure, especially if you eat a lot of it. The more you eat, the greater the risks, researchers found.

Want to improve your memory? Try a cup of blueberries

It’s blueberry season! And if the taste alone wasn’t incentive enough to go get yourself a carton, new research shows that blueberries may be quite the superfood for your brain and memory. Two new studies show that eating blueberries may improve thinking and memory skills in older adults with memory issues.

Iron – why it is necessary and what foods have it

Iron helps make red blood cells. Red blood cells transport oxygen to your body’s cells. Without enough iron, your organs may not get the oxygen they need to function properly. Not having enough iron is called iron-deficiency anemia, which is the most common form of anemia.

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