Easier Prep Means One Less Reason to Delay Your Colonoscopy

Colonic irrigation offers several benefits over the traditional oral laxative method of bowel prep for a colonoscopy.  In addition to producing cleansing results comparable to oral methods, it has fewer side effects and enjoys high levels of patient satisfaction.

Should People with Food Allergies Avoid Store-Bought Cookies?

So many people with food allergies depend on food labels, however, it’s discouraging to learn that people have died from mislabeled products.

Light Therapy May Provide Some Relief For Alzheimer Patients

I’ve talked a lot about ways to be proactive about preventing Alzheimer’s, but I have not really discussed ways to be proactive when someone already has this devastating form of dementia.

Let’s Talk About Farts!

Farting is something we don’t talk about enough. And it is, afterall, a normal function of the human body. Understanding our body and all its many functions is a great way to be proactive about our health and the quest for happy and healthy longevity.

You May Want a Smaller Waistline, Especially If You Plan to Get Pregnant

When a couple has issues conceiving, the attention is often put on the female, however, causes of male infertility may include low testosterone, certain genetic disorders, erectile dysfunction and more.

I’ve Used Tampons for More Than 20 Years and Never Worried About Chemicals Until Now

Let’s talk about the safety of tampons and other menstrual products. I know. This is not normally my preferred topic of discussion either, but if you are a menstruating woman and/or have a daughter or woman in your life who you love or care about who gets a period, then this is an important blog for you to read.

You May Not Be Ready for Kids Now, but That Doesn’t Mean You Shouldn’t Be Preparing Healthwise

Preconception health has pretty much fallen to the wayside, however, it should probably be the most important factor to consider when planning to build your future family. Of course you need money to raise a family, but you cannot put a price on your health or the health of your child.

Is It Time for a Sleep Divorce?

Everyone’s experience with sleep is different. It’s very rare that two people who sleep in the same bed will have the same sleeping habits or sleep just as soundly as the other.

7 Tips for Getting Your Child To Eat More Veggies This Year!

I am constantly stressed about my two-year-old son’s diet. He’s a good eater and loves fruit, but if I hand him a piece of broccoli or a carrot stick he throws it across the room. Why do so many kids hate vegetables? So frustrating! I know I’m not alone here.

In 2024, Make Sufficient Sleep a Necessity!

Sufficient and quality sleep is not a luxury, it is a necessity. We must prioritize it and adjust if there are factors (such as toddlers who wake up in the middle of the night!) that create roadblocks to getting enough good sleep.

9 Kitchen Safety Tips for the Holidays

It’s the most wonderful time of the year, but it can also be one of the most dangerous – particularly in the kitchen. With all the home cooking going on for the holidays, accidents and injuries such as burns and cuts are more common.

Is Fat Acceptance Making Americans Complacent About Unhealthy Eating?

This blog was not an easy one to write, because the fat acceptance movement is a highly sensitive, complex and controversial topic. If you support fat acceptance, some might say you support obesity and being unhealthy. If you are against it, some might call you fatphobic or a body shamer. If you are somewhere in the middle (and so many people are), how do you decipher how much fat is acceptable especially when there is no one-size-fits-all approach to weight?

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